The following diagrams were drawn with Digital. Feel free to download it to test the circuits directly.
RS Flip FLops
Basic reset set flip flop to save bit data; a clock can be connected to the inputs of both nor gates for synchronization
No change
D latch
An addition to the RS flip flop to accept a single input. Together with the clock (E), the input (D) directly changes the output of the latch. This also eliminates the Reset = 1 & Set = 1 issue.
JK Flip Flop
JK flip flops cycle at half the speed of its input, as only one SR flip flop is enabled at a time and it takes two clicks to pass data to the output.
Takes many input signals and a selector address with its own signals. Selector address chooses which of the input signals to output (by index).
Half Adder
Adds two bits and returns the sum and carry; used for the least significant digit of numerical additions
Full Adder
Adds three bits (includes carry) together and produces a sum and carry; can be strung together to add numbers with many digits.
Lecture 0 • 2017/01/06
System board parts
Power Supply – Converts AC/DC from home into steady current needed in PC
CPU – Central Processing Unit – Math, logic, data, movement, loops
ROM – Read Only Memory – Stores built-in instructions (eg CMOS) & additional instructionss for CPU
Battery – Helps keep CMOS parameters, including time
RAM – Random Access Memory – Volatile main memory bank, large & slow
Cache – fast memory (pipeline) connected to RAM
Bus – Common road for data that interconnects all devices on motherboard
CLK – Clock – Beats the processing cycle (2 of them)
Slot – Connects devices external to motherboard through cards
ISA – Instruction Set Architecture – provides commands to processor to tell it what it needs to do (eg ADD, COMPARE, LOAD, OUT)
Lecture 1 • 2017/01/09
Traditional system board schematic has one bus connecting cache, CLK, CPU, ROM to RAM
Having more buses allows for multithreading
Slots allow connections to external devices
PCI (peripheral component interconnect), ISA (instruction set architecture)
CLK – clock – one controls bus, one controls CPU (min 2 CLKs per device)
CLK for bus is one or two orders of magnitude slower than CPU CLK
PCI can run at higher clock speeds
Data bus – connects CPU to Cache
Addressing – every component on system board has a unique integer number that identifies it
Eg opening & closing of gates towards various components that control data passage.
Communication Pathways
Composed of multiple wires, each wire for 1 bit
In parallel, independent execution
One byte per bus per tick
8 wires
Grounded on both sides
How would a 10 byte string travel from RAM to a slot, assuming traditional system board
Assume CPU is not present
Supervisor opens gates 0 & 1 and closes all other gates
Wait for tick
One char pass
Go back to step 2
Supervisor closes all gates
If single byte in RAM & single CPU instruction in RAM both need to exit RAM at same time (one to CPU, other to slot), what do we do? Assume traditional system board
Not possible; one bus can only carry one process at a time
In traditional system board, what would happen if the CPU & slot need to save a single byte into RAM at the same time?
Like before, we only have one bus. We’ll either lose data or one of the processes has to wait
ALU – Arithmetic logic unit: + – > < == etc
L, R, A-out & status are specific purpose registers
L & R – inputs to ALU
A-out – result of operation
Status – input & output flag bits
input to tell what operation to perform
output to report errors (eg overflow, divide by zero)
Registers – Fast live memory locations
N general purpose registers 8, 64, or 128 bits long
Temp variables for CPU
IP – Instruction pointer, aka IC (Instruction counter) – points to next instruction
IR – Instruction register – stores current instruction
Instructions usually have different OP-codes depending on data types
CPU loop
Get instruction: IR ← RAM (slow bus, no cache)
Sequencer ← IR[OP-CODE]
Selected gates open
Clock ticks
All gates close
Increment to next instruction
Lecture 2 • 2017/01/11
Bit – machine 5V ≡ 1, 2V ≡ 0, 0V ≡ OFF
Pathway – voltages can be passed through wire; whole wire becomes given voltage
Bus ≡ n-wires ≡ one “unit” of Data
Also a pathway (of n going in the same direction)
Has in and out direction
Freezes if other direction used
Computer freezes because of infinite loops or electricity going the opposite direction
Fast bus, fast clock
IP – instruction pointer – keeps track of where we are in a program
Loaded into/used with address register
IR – instruction register – sends instruction to sequencer
Received from data register
Eg application opened → instructions sent to RAM → instructions sent one at a time to CPU
Seq – sequencer – opens all gates
CPU Clock
Beats to move data across CPU bus or move code from IP to sequencer
Table of codes with circuits
Each circuit is system of gated triggers
Triggers permit data to flow in predetermined order
CPU Loop
IR → Seq, IP+
Data – information
Eg characters, symbols, numbers
Real data translated to code using properties of medium
Which medium should we pick?
bulletTablePair(“Real Data → Numbers”, “Encoded Data → everything else”, 20),
INT ≡ Binary
RAM access register system
Allows communication between CPU & RAM
Address register – where to get/put data
Data register – where to put the data, or the data to put elsewhere
Mode register – flag for get or put
Zero page – like a sourcebook table; data should not overwrite things here
Bigger zero page → more stuff pluggable into machine
CPU Boundary Register – keeps track of addresses used; addresses requested must never be greater than boundary address
Lecture 3 • 2017/01/16
Claude E. Shannon
Entropy – how much work does it take to communicate one letter to someone?
Medium – how can we transmit that single letter?
Realization – the medium is the message
In computers
Entropy – how many bits do we need to represent a single character?
Medium – Light (optics), sound (WiFi), signals(wire)
Realization – message is characterized by medium
Usually, register size = address size
Two types of basic information
Table encode – address/variable name on one side, data on the other (in bytes)
Natural binary number
Addressing schematic
Address column (32 bits) with cell addresses
Data column (8 bits) with OS, video buffer, program space, zero page
ROM – read only memory – often sits between RAM and another part of the machine
C – char a = ‘b’ compiler → w/ ASCII table → to byte
Binary – size – register, RAM
Register – left most significant, right least significant
Data = choice = cost
Having the leftmost bit hold the sign reduces the space for the actual numbers by two
A way to “double” the max integer would be to keep it unsigned
Lecture 4 • 2017/01/18
ASCII/UNICODE – unsigned bit (no sign bit), 8-bits long
Char x = ‘A’ 00100001
Strings – contiguous sequence of characters terminated by NULL or contiguous sequence of chars proceeded (example had count in the front?) by a byte count
Composed of char
Char is built in property of CPU, not strings
Strings supported through software
Number is represented in raw signed binary or 2’s complement for the bit size
5: signed 00000101 2’s comp 00000101
5: signed 10000101 2’s comp 10 – 5 ≡ 10 + (-5)
Start: 00000101
Flip: 11111010
Add 1: 11111011 ← -5
Fixed Point – sign
mantissa (not two’s complement)
Bias is the 0, offsets up for positive, down for negative
∵ all fixed point numbers are written as, "1." May be deleted → extra bit → double the range
IEEE format
Fractional Mantissa
Lecture 5 • 2017/01/23
Logic circuits
Circle → not
Extra line → exclusive
nand → not and, nor → not or, xor → exlusive or
For two overlapping but disconnected wires, draw a small bump at the intersection
And gate is like a door with a lock – putting 0 on one end will stop the other end from passing through
Or gates can pass data as soon as one side has 1
Bit set reset, 1 → set → write 1, 0 → reset → write 0
RS Flip-Flop
R → reset, S → set
Constructed by feeding outputs of two NOR gates back to each other’s input
D Latch
D → data
RS Flip-flop with preceeding and gates and one inverter
Requires only one data input
Input from D results in that value as output for Q
Also includes clock input C
When C is 0, and gates used to pass inputs are 0, so no change occurs and Q holds its values
When C is 1, D value is passed through and set
Lecture 6 • 2017/01/25
End goal is addres ↔ read/write ↔ sync
Solution is gate/lock, eg and gates around SR flip flop
To retrieve/send to correct address, use and gates with negations to check for matches.
JK flip flop – two RS flip flops w/ clock and other gates
Adds a delay to output (first flip flop changes when clock is 1, other one outputs when clock is 0 → half the outputs as input)
Half adder only contains A and B inputs
When doing addition, only least significant digit is half adder, others are full adders as there are carries
Full adder = two half adders glued with or gates
Status register has a few bits for unusual situations → overflow, dividing by 0, sign change
To build an ALU, we need to know size of inputs and outputs, format, etc
How would ALU design change when upgrading?
4 → 8, adding 4 more full adders
Subtraction – need to decide how we are doing the operation
5 – 3, 5 + (-3), 5 + (3 * -1)
ALU has its V like shape because there are 2’s complement holders for L & R followed by operation section
Reminder: 2’s complement – invert all bits and add 1
Lecture 7 • 2017/01/30
Making a calculator: get method to check which digit you need, then turn on appropriate sections accordingly.
Multiplexers 2a-to-1 mux has 2a inputs x0, … xn-1 & single output z.
Selector address ‘a’ composed of input signals y0, …, ya-1 selects which xi signal passes through z
Like a router → multiple data, has to take turns
Decoder – a-to-2a decoder asserts one and only one of its 2a output lines
CPU sequencer is decoder
Input is an index; outputs signal on wire of that index
Encoder – outputs an a-bit binary number equal to index of single 1 signal among 2a inputs
Input from one of the wires; outputs index of that wire
Active output used to tell if x0 is ON as compared to an encoder that is off (otherwise both would be 0000)
Programmable Combinatorial Parts
Type 1 – VIA fuses can be “blown” given sufficient current
Type 2 – VIA anti-fuse “sets” given sufficient current (chemical)
Drawn as a square, becomes circle
Blown fuses connects the wires?
Fuses represented by square
!!!ROM & PROM shorthand
PROM – programmable read only memory
PAL – programmable array logic
Pairs that go down
PLA – programmable logic array
Individual lines and or gates forming a hash
Both arrays programmable
Lecture 8 • 2017/02/01
Encoder/Decoder (see previous lecture)
Von Neumann Machine – traditional computer model based on Turing’s theoretical ideas
Model: RAM (input) → Processor (Get instruction) → Execution with control unit → RAM (output)
Index: MAR – memory address register, MBR – memory buffer register, D0-7 Registers, ALU – arithmetic logic unit, INC – incrementer, PC – program counter, IR – instruction register, CU – control unit, in ram {Mode, AR – address register, DR – data register}
Start with IP/PC (same thing)
Address in PC sent to address register (MAR → AR)
Sends to DR then to buffer (D0 to D7) – buffer may can contain data or instructions
Depends on MBR
Every instruction in binary has two parts; OP code and address (or something else)
Only OP code goes down to control unit
IR is basically a “dead end” address will move onto PC, which will increment itself then write into MAR → DR → MBR (overwrites previous content) → next set of instructions
CPU loop
PC ← PC + 1
Each line involves one tick (some improvements, like incrementation on same tick)
Micro Instruction – way to express CPU operation step by step
for index like arrays, ( ) for arguments
IR(OP, params)
← indicates move
BUS – Address, R/W, Data
1 bit/wire, bottle neck, duality of operation (modes)
Lecture 9 • 2017/02/06
An instruction can be any size (ie 8, 16, 32 bits) depending on the CPU
Bite – flip flop
Byte – 8 flip flops – standard size for RAM
Word – standard size for CPU
Address – standard size for bus
Registers – either Byte, Word, or specialty sizes
Ports, slots, other important registers – Often "accessible" but not "addressable"
At least now, sizes should agree with each other
BUS – conduit for bytes to travel from one location to another (pathway)
In buses, address and R/W signals are only 1 way; data however is 2 ways, and is sometimes designed as 2 buses
1 bit per wire
Bottle neck; 1 byte of data per movement
Duality of operation: byte & word modes
Program (assume 8 bit instruction set)
MOV D0, D1
D0 ← D1
Add D1, D0, 5
D1 = D0 + 5
D0 gets x from RAM
Run Program
OS – double click, load to RAM at free space, PC ← 50
Program Runs (OS is sleeping; number on top right denotes address)
MAR50 ← PC50 PC51 ← PC + 151
AR50 ← MAR56 DR ← RAM[AR]
MBR ← DR IR ← MBR CU ← IR (op code)
OP code ⇒ code # represents instruction
Bottom left wires go down to CU
Args is complicated; sometimes have one, two, three, etc
For our example, there are always 3 arguments
Comment: no real difference b/t integers and addresses; just how we use it
Need code for all instructions?
Each instruction from set is mode of micro-instructions
ADD, D1, D0, 5 ⇒ D1 = D0 + 5
L ← D0
R ← 5
A ← ALU(L,R)
D1 ← A
Lecture 10 • 2017/02/08
Midterm – definitions, circuit drawing/interpreting, data conversions & representation, RAM, adder, addressing, bus, IR, IP, classical & pipeline CPU, off the shelf circuits, mathematical problems as seen in assignment
Pipeline as optimized architecture – clock tick sharing
CU needs to make sure it goes through all the right loops
In pipeline, cacheinput → … → cachedata at 2GHz. It is connected to RAM via a slow bus, but to make use of the speed, there are private fast buses going from the RAM to the cache input and data. They operate at 2Ghz + dump, meaning they collect data and send a bunch at once.
Code/load prediction – dumb vs smart (looking one instruction ahead to see when to dump)
Fetch portion of CPU
PC goes to read address → instruction comes out
Instruction R-format
OP – op-code (two; one for each CU)
RS – register source
RT – second register source (optional)
RD – register destination
SHAMT – shift amount (jump)
FUNCT – function-code (ie sub-op-code)
Add portion is always connected to 4, as instruction is 32-bit
Load portion of CPU
OP code goes to CU, other parts of instruction go to registers, some portions skip register altogether
Multiple address registers exist so you can fetch and load from multiple addresses at the same time (unlike in RAM where it’s synchronous)
Lecture 11 • 2017/02/15
No restrictions in classical CPU relative to pipeline CPU
Since bus goes in one direction, we must impose restrictions on the language
All instructions are 32 bits, all instructions pass all of pipeline, even if not needed
Buses can be made wider to accommodate more instructions per second, but get more expensive while doing so
OP-code register much smaller than other registers, since only part of the instructions are OP-codes (let’s say an OP-code is 5 bits)
All valid values are mapped; using and gates, it is very much like doing an address
OP-code for ADD R1, R2, R3, and ADD R1, R2, c (where c is the value, not an address) are different, and will be interpreted differently
Using mux, we can choose the inputs we want to compute the result
CU is wired to all the components, controlling which data passes through
Can’t add 2 constants, but we can load one and store it, then load the other
Every address has its own pathway
When making CPU, we want to pretend that there’s only one instruction, execute it, then merge everything in the end
We have to pretend that there are multiple IRs, even though there is only one
Imagine a bunch of commands, each with its own shape (if you look at table, families of commands have similar shapes)
OP dest source const fn (haven’t talked about this yet)
ADD R1, R2, const
00001 00001 00010 0011 ?
All registers 32 bits
Pipeline addresses by 32
CPU & registers support 32 bit buses
Instructions are 32 bits, but we cannot store 32 in IR since there are other components
Solution is sign extension
To keep multiple instructions simultaneously, think of the 32-bit IR as 32 flip flop segments
Pretend that they have wires coming out and splitting into many more registers
However, we only want one instruction turned on at a time → AND gates
CU picks which one to turn on – decoder
CU components
Each bit in OP in IR is connected to an OP register in the CU
Also has a counter and an incrementer to loop through all the needed data
Simple pipeline: PC → A → CI → B → Reg → C → ALU → D → CD
Instructions often need many ticks to execute (ie ADD needs 4 ticks in classical CPUs)
L ← R3
R ← R2
A ← L+R
R3 ← A
Works really well if all instructions have 4 ticks
Wires from OP and count come down
Datapaths – wires of CPU needed to be engaged during an instruction
Includes path connecting registers, gates, ALU, etc
Control – portion of CPU – aka CU/sequencer – responsible for timing & triggering of datapath
Instruction Format – organization of bits in IR
Micro-programming – datapaths that implement the instruction
Flat – one instruction executes at a time
Pipeline – 1+ instruction at a time
Cores – parallel execution
Lecture 13 • 2017/02/22
Hazard – danger to keep watch for
Structural – CPU cannot support combination of instructions in pipeline (eg single instruction store/load crash)
Illegal instruction or illegal result (like divide by zero)
Control – branch request causing semi execute pipeline instructions to be unnecessary
Data – instruction depends on results of previous instruction in pipeline
NOP/wiring for forwarding/backup buffer
Fault – error that has occurred
Can lead to stall – lengthened CPU cycle
Can lead to dump – all instructions dumped from pipeline & re-loaded after fault is handled (major slow down)
Or no-op – additional instructions without actions inserted between fault & next instruction to allow CPU to execute problematic instruction without side-effects (minor slow down)
Or crash – program is killed and stops
Eg dividing by 0
MUX with inputs from INC & OS REG
Stops incrementer if dividing by 0, looks at error register to find out why
If else
Requires a jump, but other instructions are already queued up
Delete, dump → pipeline loses those nanoseconds
While loop requires a jump every time
Pipeline structure
PC, Jump, CI, Compare, R, Move, ALU, Add, CD
Calculating loss
Expected(Loss) = P(Loss) * Cost
Average stall is 17%; depends on the program
Solution – predictions
Assume branch will always fail (not used)
Happens too often
Assume branch success based of type
Function calls (yes)
Backward jumps (probably loops, yes)
If statements (no, fail)
Reorder instructions (compiler solution)
Need delay to figure out if branch will happen
Instead of NOP, reorder branch & preceding instruction
Add $4, $5, $6
Beq $1, $2, 40
Lw $3, 300($0)
Beq $1, $2, 40
Add cache, $5, $6
Lw $3, 300($0)
Clock ticks – count of number of actual clock ticks required to perform activity in CPU
Cycles – count of number of micro instruction required to perform activity in CPU
Important for pipeline, based on instructions; ticks are universal
CPU Execution Time is product of…
Instruction count (total # of instructions in program)
Clock cycles per instruction
Clock cycle time
In other words, # instr/program * # ticks/instr * # s/tick
Lecture 14 • 2017/03/06
Sending address
Tick from PC to MAR
Tick from MAR to AR
Retrieving data
Tick from RAM to DR
Tick from DR to MBR
Tick from MBR to IR
During 5 ticks, PC is incremented; it’s always ahead
CU has copy of OP code & count
Count increments & clears itself
Chip Set
“on die” – on CPU die
“on board” – on system board, commonly near CPU
CPU System supports OS Registers, System-board registers, and Chip-sets
Co-processors – eg math, matrix, graphics GPUs
ROMS – built-in support for video & basic graphics, ASCII support, communication ports, basic peripheral support
Chip sets have private buses connecting to CPU
Multiple co-processors may exist to deal with crashes
May have special assembler instructions
CPU constraints
Operating system – secure environment; programs should not interfere
Have an upper and lower bound for valid pointers
OS Boundary Register – prevents process’s PC from addressing into OS space
Internal CPU exception handling
Incorrect machine language binary
Arithmetic – overflow, divide by zero
Incorrect address reference
Supporting registers
EPC – exception program counter register – address of bad instruction
Cause – error code
Jump to reserved internal cache memory address for exception assembler code
Interrupt – signal sent to overwrite/swap PC with trap’s pointer
CPU’s ALU – integer operations: + – * /
Co-processor’s ALU – floating point operations: + – * /
Grade school multiplication – multiply first number by each digit in the second number, and shifting them and adding them (just like how you normally multiply)
Lecture 15 • 2017/03/08
When typing on a keyboard, each key is mapped with a wire to a certain value. To make the values universal regardless of the wiring, a ROM can be used to convert it into ASCII. It is then passed to a register, then to the RAM/CPU. The ROM would be part of the chip set
Notes about grade school multiplication (with binary values)
We do not need to wait to do the sum; product result shifts left naturally
If multiplier is 1, copy the multiplicand
If multiplier is 0, result is 0
Integer multiplier hardware
If multiplier bit is 1, sum multiplicand with product & shift left
Multiplication procedure for a * b; let p = product
If (smallest bit in a == 1) p += b
b « 1, a » 1
repeat for each new smallest bit ‘a’
Hardware improvement
Multiplicand & multiplier are 32 bit registers, and product is 64 bit register
Product register is right shifted rather than shifting multiplicand (b) left
Answer is right most 32 bits
Bits passed the mid line in the product do not need to be added again
No multiplier register; multiplier is placed in answer part of the product
Types of Computers
Single CPU – single CPU chip of any type (flat, pipeline, hyper threaded)
No cache
Multi-CPU – more than one CPU chip of any type
Single Core – optimized single CPU chip
Bridge connects core with rest of system board
Multi-Core – single CPU chip with multiple processors
Bus interface is shared; permits same data for all cores
Program – compiled algorithm stored on disk
Has OS loader & static components
Process – executing version of program in RAM
Has static & dynamic components
Thread – instructions currently executed by CPU
One process may have many threads
Each thread is instance of process
Multithreading for multiple CPU
Cores allow for many functions to be executed simultaneously, but require more effort to communicate with each other. The more cores we have, the more the advantages disappear.
Core is treated as unique processor, managed by the OS
To run one process with 2 threads on a quad-core, the OS can
Use 2 cores to run threads simultaneously
Use 1 core & task switch between threads
Queue process & threads for later as high priority code is executing on all cores
OS – operating system
Core management
Special purpose core assignment – reserve cores for specific uses (eg OS code on core 1)
Dedicated application assignment – application attached to core (eg browser on core 2); core is shareable with other processes
Core pooled assignment – cores not dedicated to anyone; managed by queue
Management types
Simple – queue processes, assign to cores, after n ms release cores and repeat
Complex – one process has multiple threads; may need to share data so is placed on a core that can do so
Multi-core helps keep work flowing; we are limited to how much we can increase speeds for individual cores
How unique is each thread?
1 thread/program – we behave this way; everything executes at same time
N threads/program – eg browser with multiple windows
Needs to coordinate/synchronize, which causes overhead
When N > 6 effects overcome speed improvement
TLP – thread-level parallelism – multi-core strategy – each core given portion of program to execute
Ascending, contains text segment, data segment, stack segment
Stack & data segments are shared space and can crash (overlap)
MIPS format is RISC – reduced instruction set computer
Use series of simpler instructions rather than complex ones that take more ticks
Addressing modes
Register addressing
Operand is register
Eg add $s1, $s2, $s3
Base/displacement addressing
Operant is memory location
Register + offset ← constant
Eg lw $s1, 100($s2)
AR ← 100 + $s2
Immediate addressing
Operand is constant (16-bit)
Eg addi $s1, $s2, 100
PC-relative addressing
Mem location = PC + offset ← constant
Eg j 2500 or j label
Pseudo-direct addressing
Mem location = PC (top 6 bits) concat with 26-bit offset
Assume 32-bit addressing
Eg jal 2500 or jal label
Lecture 18 • 2017/03/22
Much of this lecture was talked about in the previous lecture
While(save[i] == k) i += j
Need to compute index i each time; use temp reg and add; for integers, go 4 bytes forward, or add to itself and do it again.
Lots of branches with breaks each time.
Break not necessary for last case as it jumps to the same location
Set less than
‘-slt $t0, $s0, $s1 – $s0 < $s1 ? $t0 = 1 : $t0 = 0’,
bne for conditions
Lecture 19 • 2017/03/27
Register based
Fast & easy, but limited # of registers & no local variable simulation
Run-time stack
Very large & fits many parameters & can protect local variables, but it’s slower
‘-Create room for the stack subi $sp, $sp, 16’,
‘-Save variables starting from the back and moving inwards sw $t0, 12($sp), … sw $t4, 0($sp)’,
Call subroutine & return values assumed in v0/v1
‘-Can protect registers by saving previous results in a stack (ie $t0) and then pop them afterwards’,
‘-After we are done, move stack position back (eg addi $sp, $sp, 28)’,
Global – no scope
Registers are loaded at run-time
Data is compiled → static
Parameters & local variables don’t exist physically and are simulated in a runtime stack
Stack is global
‘$fp refers to where $sp was before’,
‘-Do not let variables refer past $f0’
Memory hierarchy (fastest to slowest)
CPU registers | flip-flops | 1-5ns
Cache | SRAM-transition + power | 5-25ns
RAM | DRAM capacitors + refresh | 30-120 ns
Disk | Magnetic charge-mechanical | 10-20 million ns
How to optimally use cache?
Hit to miss ratio (cache miss rate) – hit implies we find instruction in cache; miss implies we need to go to RAM
If missed, we must access RAM, wait for RAM to complete, put data into cache update table, then restart instruction from cache
Miss penalty = cycles to upload data to cache
Cost of miss = miss frequency * miss penalty
Program speed = n + m * penalty; n & m are # of instructions
Basic access architecture
PC divided into 3 parts
Recall in MIPS that each instruction is 4 bytes
No need to store the last two bits for each byte as we can assume it
Remainder of instruction is divided into unique
1/0 (which we ignore)
We store the full instruction as a word, and the unique portion as a tag
To retrieve data, we find the modulo, then use the tag to match with the proper instruction
There is also a bit defining whether a space is in use or not; keep in mind that when we “remove” an instruction, we don’t necessarily clear the bits, but can just say that it’s disabled
All matches result in a hit
Performance calculation
Amdahl’s law – speedup in performance is proportional to new component & actual fraction of work it carries out
s = 1/[(1 – f) + f/k] Where s is speedup, f is fraction of work by component, k is advertised speedup
Eg – if processes spend 70% of time in CPU, and there is a computer that functions 50% faster, what is the speedup?
s = 1/[(1 – 0.7) + 0.7/1.5] = 30%
Transfer rate calculations
Eg assuming polling overhead takes 400cs on CPU that runs 500MHz, where cs = 1 tick
How much CPU time is used for a hard disk transfer at 4-word chunks at 4MB/s
Independent device with clock & rom – waits for signal and executes instruction depending on input
Connected to a register/buffer (with cmd, status, data, port)
Connected to RAM which is connected to CPU
To run: cmd passed to device, device runs δt, status & data/buffer updated
After polling is finished, data still has to be transferred from buffer to RAM
Polling example: load 100 bytes, pass to device, wait
Interrupt example: load 100 bytes, device handles the rest (no time taken in CPU), status received, bring data in
Two ways of doing polling
Busy loop – while loop with condition
Intermittent loop – have checker in a function and check it with a timer (eg every 0.5s)
Can be useful for getting constant slow data, like keyboard input. Check at a time faster than the fastest typist
Use interrupts for data that cannot be missed and data that comes at random times (eg internet data) – network card as a clock and does not need to use the CPU
MIPS convention – a (params) & v (return) registers used for passing information; no stack
ANSI C standard – stack based – push saved & local variables and pop later when needed
‘-Note that popping doesn’t clear the stack; we just move $sp so that we may reuse the “cleared” addresses’,
Return values are still added to the v registers
Final exam format
Closed book, scientific calculator allowed, part marks given, teacher supplied help sheets (op codes, syscalls)
Definitions (~4)
MIPS programming (2)
Circuit drawing (~2)
Calculations (~4)
Bonus (2)
MIPS assembly
Circuit interpretation & building
MIPS features – caches, virtual & dynamic memory, recursion/stacks, interrupts & exceptions, memory mapped I/O, buses, synchronous vs asynchronous
Conventions for passing args & using peripherals
Things to know but aren’t tested – digital math & data formats
Things to know – Amdahl’s law, polling & interrupt overhead, cache performance