Comp 529
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Software Systems Architecture
Ch 1 - Introduction
- A software architect satisfies:
- Stakeholders - People affected by the system.
- In many cases, this is more than just developers and end users
- Viewpoints - Splitting a complex structure into manageable sections, relevant to each particular group.
- Examples include functional structure, information organization, and deployment environment.
- A possible solution to deciding which views to use is through template views, aka architectural viewpoints.
- Perspectives - Consideration of quality properties
- Complementary to viewpoints, ensures that our structures exhibit properties we require
Ch 2 - Software Architecture Concepts
- Computer systems are made up of software, data (transient of persistent) and hardware
- The architecture of a system refers to its elements and relationships, its fundamental properties, and the principles of its design and evolution
- Structure
- Static - design-time elements and their arrangement
- Dynamic - runtime elements and their interactions
- Fundamental system properties
- Externally visible behaviour - what system does
- Functional interactions between system and its environment
- Can be modeled as a black box or consider internal system changes
- Quality properties - how system does it
- Nonfunctional properties, eg performance, security, scalability
- Candidate architecture - arrangement of static & dynamic structures with the potential to exhibit required externally visible behaviours and quality properties
- There may be multiple architectures for a given design, catering to different needs, though each should meet the system’s requirements
- Architectural element - fundamental piece of system that can be constructed
- Has a set of responsibilities
- Has a defined boundary
- Has a set of defined interfaces, which in turn define services provided to other elements
- Stakeholders
- Note that software is not just used. It is also built, tested, operated, repaired, enhanced, and paid for. As a result, stakeholders involve much more than just the end users.
- This term may also represent a class of individuals, such as developers, rather than a specific person
- Concern - requirement, objective, constraint, intention, or aspiration a stakeholder has for architecture
- Some concerns are common among stakeholders, but others may even conflict
- Example includes triangle of cost, quality, and time
- As the system is built to serve stakeholders, the architecture is created solely to meet stakeholder needs
- A good architecture will address such concerns, and provide a balance when they conflict
- Architectural description (AD) - products that document an architecture such that stakeholders can understand and verify that concerns have been met
- Note that not every system has an AD
Ch 3 - Viewpoints and Views
- Avoid using a single overloaded model for ADs, as it becomes understandable by stakeholders when the system is sufficiently complex
- A complex system is more effectively described by a set of interrelated views
- View - representation of structural aspects of architecture, illustrating how architecture addresses stakeholder concerns
- View scope - what aspects of architecture to represent
- Eg representing runtime intercommunications vs runtime environment
- Element types - what types of architectural elements to categorize
- Eg is system deployment represented by individual server machines or service environment
- Audience - which stakeholders to address
- Audience expertise - how much technical understanding the stakeholders have
- Scope of concerns - what stakeholder concerns are addressed by the view
- Level of detail - how much stakeholders need to know about this view
- Goal is to only include relevant information in each view for the target audience
- Viewpoint - patterns, templates, and conventions for creating views
- Using viewpoints and views allows for
- Separation of concerns
- Communication with stakeholder groups - stakeholders can quickly identify relevant concerns
- Management of complexity - architect can focus on specific aspects per view, vs everything at once
- Improved developer focus
- Viewpoint pitfalls
- Inconsistency - descriptions across views may not always match
- Selection of wrong set of views
- Fragmentation
- Viewpoint catalog
- Context - describes relationships, dependencies, interactions
- Functional - describes runtime functional elements
- Information - describes how info is stored, manipulated, distributed
- Concurrency - maps functional elements to concurrency units
- Development - communicates aspects relevant to those building, testing, maintaining, and enhancing the system
- Deployment - describes needed hardware environment
- Operational - describes operation, administration, and support necessary for production environment
Ch 4 - Architectural Perspectives
- When creating a view, focus on issues, concerns, and solutions relevant to that view
- Eg: data ownership is not important for concurrency view; dev environment not concern for functional view
- Decisions can affect multiple views, but concerns are typically different
- Quality properties
- Span across multiple viewpoints
- Doesn’t make sense to view it in isolation as its own viewpoint
- Should instead enhance existing views.
- Eg security
- Functional - identify and authenticate user
- Information - system must have control of read, insert, update, delete at multiple levels
- Operational - maintaining and distributing secret information
- Architectural perspective, aka perspective
- Collection of architectural activities, tactics, guidelines to ensure that system exhibits certain quality properties across architectural views
- Orthogonal model to viewpoints; applied to views
- Issues addressed are referred to as cross-cutting concerns or nonfunctional requirements
- Architectural tactic - established & proven approach to help achieve particular quality property
- Eg priority-based process schedule to improve system performance
- More general than a design pattern
- Important perspectives
- Performance & scalability
- Availability & resilience
- Evolution (coping with changes)
- Regulation (confirming to laws)
- Typically not feasible to apply all perspectives to all views; some relations are more important than others.
- Eg deployment view & security perspective, development view & evolution perspective
- Applying perspectives to views leads to
- Insights - creation of something, eg new model, to help meet quality properties
- Eg security → existence of ignored security threats
- Improvements - updated model to account for insights
- Eg deployment → use more servers and show support for load balancing
- Artifacts - important supporting architectural information that have significant lasting value
- Eg deployment → spreadsheet modelling physical networks
- Benefits of perspectives
- Defines concerns to help ensure that quality properties are exhibited
- Provides common conventions, measurements or notation to describe qualities
- Provides means of validating architecture
- May offer recognized solutions
- Provides systematic workflow
- Perspective pitfalls
- Solutions may conflict between perspectives
- Concerns & priorities are different for every system
Ch 8 - Concerns, Principles, and Decisions
- Scope and requirements of system define architectural solutions, and are part of the Context viewpoint.
- Concern - requirement, object, constraint, intention, or aspiration stakeholder has for architecture
- Business & IT strategies - long-term priorities & roadmap
- Goals & drivers - fundamental issues & problems
- Standards & policies - general operations
- Real-world constraints - time, money, skill, technology pitfalls, etc
- Requirement - specific, unambiguous, measurable concern
- Concern categories
- Problem-focused concerns - why, what
- Influence
- Require a capability
- Clarify/shape a detail
- Constrain
- Limit behaviour in certain circumstances
- Prohibit actions
- Includes
- Business strategy
- Overall direction for business
- Defines service, customers, difference between competitors, etc
- Includes roadmap describing future transformations to achieve desired state
- Business goals & drivers
- Goal - specific aim of the organization
- Driver - force acting on organization requiring behaviour
- Often hard to translate
- System scope & requirements
- System scope - defines main responsibilities of system
- Requirements - more detailed, often split into functional requirements and quality properties
- Business standards & policies - internal mandates
- Solution-focused concerns - how, with what
- Often derived from problem-focused concerns
- IT strategy
- Technology goal & drivers
- Technology standards & policies
- Open standards - eg ISO, IEEE, W3C; generally accepted
- Proprietary standards
- De facto standards - widely followed but not ratified
- Organizational standards
- May need to comply with legal, statutory, regulatory standards
- Real world constraints
- Technical constraints - eg scaling, security
- Time
- Cost
- Skills
- Operational constraints - eg must maintain certain uptime
- Physical constraints
- Organizational/cultural constraints
- Good concerns are
- Quantified & measurable where possible
- Testable
- Traceable - eg justified backwards to strategy/goal, traced forward to architectural/design features
- Architectural principles
- Fundamental approach that guides the definition of an architecture
- Help maintain consistency & transparency when addressing/rejecting concerns
- Good principles are
- Constructive
- Reasoned
- Well articulated
- Testable
- Significant
- Architecturally significant decisions
- “what”
- Map out functional components
- Significant stakeholder impact
- “how”
- Define method of construction
- Uses standard patterns
- Typically impacts solution space more than problem space
- “with what”
- Technology stack to be used
- Architectural significance is defined by
- Having significant impact on functionality or quality properties
- Addressing significant risk
- Affecting time or cost
- Being complex or unexpected
- Requiring significant time or effort to resolve
- Principles can justify architectural elements by relating
- Rationale - why is something valuable & appropriate
- Implication - what needs to happen for principle to be reality
- Traceability process
- Business drivers & goal
- Business principles (rationales & implications)
- Technology principles (rationales & implications)
- Architectural decisions
- Checklist
- Consulted all relevant stakeholders?
- Documented influencing concerns? (goals & drivers)
- Documented constraining concerns? (standards & policies)
- Understood real world constraints?
- Documented all concerns in clear, simple, understandable language?
- All principles supported by rationales & implications?
- Stakeholders reviewed & ratified concerns & principles?
Ch 9 - Identifying and Engaging Stakeholders
- High priority stakeholder groups
- Those most affected by architectural decisions
- Eg those who use, operate, manage, or pay for system
- Those who have influence over success of development
- Those with specialist knowledge of business or technology domain
- Those included for organizational/political reasons
- Good stakeholders are
- Informed - able to make correct decisions
- Committed - willing to participate
- Authorized - allowed to make decisions
- Representative - suitable for particular group
- Stakeholder classes
- Acquirers - oversee system/product
- Assessors - oversee legal regulations
- Communicators - explain system to other stakeholders
- Developers - construct/deploy system
- Maintainers - manage evolution of system
- Production engineers - design, deploy, manage hardware & software environment
- Suppliers - build/supply hardware, software, infrastructure
- Support staff - supports users
- System administrators - run system after deployment
- Testers - test system
- Users - use system
- Large stakeholder groups need to be actively managed to ensure that its size does not impede progress
- Not always possible to identify all stakeholders until system is developed
- Proxy stakeholder - speaks on behalf of real stakeholders to ensure their concerns are equally addressed as other real stakeholders
- Stakeholder responsibilities
- Ensures concerns are clearly communicated to architect
- Make decisions in timely & authoritative manner
- Escalate decisions that require more authority
- Review AD to ensure system meets concerns
- Checklist
- Identify at least one stakeholder per class
- Inform stakeholders of responsibilities
- Ensure stakeholders are aware of responsibilities
- Identify suitable proxy for stakeholders that don’t yet exist
Ch 10 - Identifying and Using Scenarios
- Architectural Scenario - Description of interaction between external entity & system
- Scenarios capture:
- Interactions that must be handled
- Potential peak load situations
- Demands made to system
- Responses by system to specific failures
- Change maintainers may need for system
- Functional scenarios - sequence of external events
- Often documented through use case
- System quality - defines system reactions towards environment (showing certain quality properties)
- Scenarios can:
- Provide input to architecture definition
- Define & validate system scope
- Evaluate architecture
- Help communicate with stakeholders
- Find missing requirements - defining use case in one scenario helps think about omitted scenarios
- Drive testing process - by highlighting important aspects to stakeholders
- Identify scenarios by looking at:
- Requirements - functional requirements suggest functional scenarios; quality requirements suggest behaviours
- Stakeholders - brainstorm ideas together
- Experience - experience may lead to more useful/informed scenarios
- Prioritize scenarios by looking at:
- Importance of relevant stakeholder(s)
- In some cases, we may need to balance priorities, rather than just pick the most voted scenarios across the board
- Risk of scenario
- Note to avoid having a large number of scenarios (> 15-20)
- Capturing functional scenarios
- Overview - brief description
- System state - state of system before scenario
- System environment - significant observations such as unavailability of external systems, time-based constraints, etc
- External stimulus - cause of scenario
- Required system response - explanation of responses from an external observer’s perspective
- Capturing system quality scenario
- Overview - (same as above)
- System state - (same as above)
- System environment - (same as above)
- Environmental changes - causes for scenarios
- Eg infrastructure failure, security attack, etc
- Required system behaviour - definition of response to change
- Both scenarios above should have unique identifier & good name
- A good scenario is
- Credible - realistic
- Valuable - impacts architectural process
- Specific - describes situation accurately
- Precise - scenario situation and required system response should be clear
- Comprehensible - understandable & unambiguous
- Applying scenarios
- Paper models
- Easiest, simple, inexpensive
- Can ve validated using walkthroughs
- Simulations - cheaper than full prototype
- Unfortunately, usually has little carry over towards other scenarios, and may not always be an accurate reflection of real situations
- Prototype implementation testing
- Can focus efforts on high-risk areas
- Full-scale live testing
- Scenarios are rarely applied at the same level
- Effective use of scenarios
- Identify focused sets - too many scenarios isn’t effective
- Use distinct scenarios - similar scenarios is not cost effective relative to their added benefits
- Use scenarios early - scenarios lose their benefits when they are applied too late
- Include system quality scenarios
- Include failure scenarios
- Involve stakeholders closely
- Checklist
- Find suitable range of system quality
- Find suitable range of failure scenarios
- Prioritize scenarios
- Small number of scenarios (< 15-20)
- Review & agree on required responses & behaviours
- Include scenarios you feel will be valuable + those nominated by stakeholders
- Catalog & name scenarios
- Address mistakes/gaps identified through scenarios
- Likewise, revise architectural design when divergence occurs
Ch 11
- Design pattern types
- Architectural style - fundamental structural organization schema for software systems
- Provides element types, responsibilities and relationship rules & guidelines for system as a whole
- Software design pattern - captures detailed design solution
- Common/proven structure of interconnected elements
- Solves general design problem within particular context
- Language idiom - programming-language-specific design solutions
- Design patterns have
- Name - memorable & meaningful identifier
- Context - motivation, rationale, relevant situations
- Problem - DPs are solutions to a particular problem; may describe design forces
- Solution - eg design model
- Consequences - results & tradeoffs, benefits & costs
- DP Roles
- Store of knowledge
- Examples of proven practices - can be used directly or also to help solve different problems
- Language - common language for problems
- Standardization
- Source of improvement - often in public domain
- Encourages generality
- See Ch 9 of POSA (below) for models
- Architectural style benefits
- Solution for system design
- Basis for adaptation
- Inspiration for related solution
- Motivation for new styles
- AS rarely used in isolation
- When using multiple ASs, it’s helpful to pick a dominant style with subsidiary styles added for problems the primary one can’t address; experience, knowledge, and sound judgement will help
Ch 12
- Model - abstract, simplified, partial representation of aspect of architecture
- Help understand situation
- Medium for communication
- Help analyze situation
- Help organize processes, teams, deliverables
- Every architectural model is an approximation of reality; abstracts away unnecessary detail
- Match model complexity to skill level and interests of audience
- Ensure audience is aware of any simplifications/approximations in model
- Quantitative models - illustrate structural/behavioural elements
- Sketch - deliberately informal graphical model used to communicate important aspects to nontechnical audience
- Guide to effective modelling
- Model purposefully
- Address audience
- Abstract carefully
- Focus efforts according to risks
- Choose descriptive names
- Define terms
- Aim for simplicity
- Use defined notation
- Beware of implied semantics
- Validate models
- Keep models alive
Ch 13 - Creating the Architectural Description
- ADs should be crisp, concise, and to the point
- Properties
- Correctness - should represent & meet the needs & concerns of stakeholders
- Sufficiency - should allow stakeholders to understand key architectural decisions made
- Timeliness - follow milestones; late deliverables are not useful
- Focus on key risks, then update incrementally
- Do not leave out difficult decisions, expecting that they will get easier down the road; often times the decision will end up being made ‘by default’
- Conciseness - focus on important elements, and leave out highly specific details
- Factors
- Familiarity of technology
- Difficulty/criticality of problem
- Scale of quality property requirements
- Time/resources available
- Clarity - consider intended readership when writing AD
- Tailor content to skill, knowledge, and time available
- Currency - think about how AD will be updated throughout the life of the system
- Mark out of date sections as such
- Precision - ensure precision, and break details into parts if they are necessary
- If not careful, precision becomes the converse of conciseness
- Use abstraction layers to avoid writing details multiple times
- Glossary - include glossary in AD to explain ambiguous/unclear terminology
- Contents
- Document Control - identifiers versions, date, status, changelog, etc
- Table of Contents
- Introduction & Management Summary - describes objectives, summarizes goals, scope & requirements, presents high-level overview of solution, identifies key decisions
- Stakeholders - define stakeholder groups & concerns
- General Architectural Principles - info that doesn’t naturally fit into any views
- Architectural Design Decisions - decisions, rationales, alternatives considered
- Viewpoints - define viewpoints; can reference external set of definitions
- Views - details dependent on viewpoint
- Quality Property Summary - include general insights & non-view-specific artifacts
- Important Scenarios - record initial system state, external stimulus, required behaviour
- Issues Awaiting Resolution - document parts where consensus not formed
- Appendices - for detailed content
- Presentation
- Formal documents
- Good when AD is complicated
- Harder to assemble if information changes frequently
- Wiki documents
- Very accessible
- Less strong if complicated formatting is required
- Presentations
- UML models
- Good de facto solution
- Less feasible for nontechnical stakeholders
- Drawing tools
- Code
- Spreadsheets
Ch 14 - Evaluating the Architecture
- Why
- Validate abstractions - ensure they are reasonable & appropriate
- Check technical correctness - easy to create models that seem credible until implementation
- Sell the architecture - prove that AD meets needs
- Explain the architecture - interaction helps with engagement, especially with less technical stakeholders
- Validate assumptions - ensure that key assumptions are tested
- Provide management decision points
- Offer basis for formal agreement
- Ensure technical integrity
- Evaluation techniques
- Presentations
- (+) Quick & cheap
- (+) Immediate feedback
- (-) Shallow level of analysis
- (-) Effectiveness dependent on engagement of attendees
- Formal Reviews & Structured Walkthroughs
- Involves moderator, presenter, & reviewers
- (+) Deeper analysis than presentation
- (-) Requires significant presentation
- Using Scenarios
- Steps
- Understand requirements
- Understand proposed architecture
- Identify prioritized scenarios
- Analyze architecture
- Draw conclusions
- (+) Provides deep analysis
- (+) Allows team to understand decisions
- (-) Complex & expensive
- (-) Training/preparation required to lead
Ch 17 - The Functional Viewpoint
- Concerns
- Functional capabilities - what system is required (and not required) to do
- External interfaces - data, event, control flows between system and others
- Should consider both syntax & semantics
- Internal structure - many implementations possible; pick one that best suits the needs
- Has a large impact on quality properties
- Functional design philosophy
- Coherence - logical structure, elements work well
- Error may indicate incorrect decomposition
- Cohesion - relations between functions in element
- High cohesion = well grouped function = less error prone
- Consistency - are design decisions consistent across architecture?
- Easier to build, test, operate, evolve
- Coupling - interrelationships between elements
- Loose coupling = easier to support, but may also be less efficient
- Extensibility - ease of changing or adding functions to system
- Often result of coherence, low coupling, simplicity, consistency
- Generality
- Needs to be balanced against added cost and complexity
- Interdependency
- Interactions between elements can be much more complex than within the same element
- Simplicity
- Stakeholder concerns
- Acquirers - functional capabilities, external interfaces
- Assessors - all concerns
- Communicators - all concerns
- Developers - design quality, internal structure, functional capabilities, external interfaces
- System administrators - design philosophy, external interfaces, internal structure
- Testers - design quality, internal structure, functional capabilities, external interfaces
- Users - functional capabilities, external interfaces
- Models
- Functional structure model
- Functional elements - software module, data store, application package
- Interfaces - inputs, outputs, semantics of operations offered by elements
- Connectors - link elements together, separate from the semantics of the operations
- External entities - other systems, programs, hardware devices, or entities
- Notation
- Formal - UML, old ones: Yourdon, Jackson System Development
- Architecture description languages (ADL) - Unicon, Write, xADL
- Provide native support
- Lack stakeholder familiarity
- Boxes & line diagrams
- Sketches
- Identify elements by
- Finding key system level responsibilities
- Finding functional elements that will perform those responsibilities
- Assessing elements against design criteria
- Iterating to refine structure
- Refinements
- Generalization
- Decomposition - break large elements into smaller subelements
- Amalgamation - replace lots of small similar elements with a larger element
- Replication
- Assign responsibilities to elements
- Design interfaces - inputs, outputs, preconditions, postconditions
- Interface definition languages (IDL)
- Data oriented - describe purely messages exchanged
- Design connectors
- Check functional traceability
- Walk through common scenarios
- Analyze interactions
- Analyze flexibility
Ch 28 - The Evolution Perspective
- Concerns
- Product management
- Magnitude of Change
- Dimensions of Change
- Functional
- Platform
- Integration
- Growth
- Likelihood of Change
- Timescale for Change
- When to Pay for Change
- Flexible design - more work early on
- Simplest design possible - more work later on
- Changes Driven by External Factors
- Development Complexity
- Preservation of Knowledge
- Reliability of Change
- Design Techniques
- Metamodel
- Break down data into building blocks and use runtime configurations to create functional components
- Faster to iterate as we just change configurations
- Harder to build and less efficient
- Variation Points
- Identify points that should support change and make them replaceable/configurable
- Separate physical & logical processing
- Break down processing into steps
- Standard Extension Points
- Mainstream variation points
- Ensure Reliable Change
- Configuration management
- Automated build process
- Dependency analysis
- Automated release process
- Easy rollback
- Automated testing
- Continuous integration
- Preserve Development Environments
- Problems
- Prioritizing wrong dimensions
- Analyze beforehand to be confident of large changes
- Changes that never happen
- Provide support for change only if confident that it is needed
- Evolution of critical quality properties
- Maintain balance between flexibility & other important quality properties
- Overreliance on specific hardware/software
- Create abstractions and be wary of roadmaps
- Lost development environments
- Save environment info so you can test against it again
- Ad hoc release management
- Use automated processes to improve reliability & repeatability
Pattern Oriented Software Architecture
Ch 9 - From Mud to Structure
- Software architecture should be meaningful
- Functionality & features provided by system should support concrete business
- Models should be concerned with variability
- Hard to make decisions if we don’t know how the domain may vary
- Domain model
- Defines structure & workflow of application domain + variations
- Partition by considering
- How application interacts with environment
- How processing is organized
- What variations must be supported
- Life expectancy of application
- Layers pattern - decomposes application into subtasks, each with a particular level of abstraction or hardware-distance
- Subtasks can be developed independently
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
- Model - functionality & data
- View - display information
- Controller - user input handlers
- Allows variation within one specific UI
- Also model view presenter, which avoids delegating all view behaviour to models; contains intermediate presenter
- Presentation-Abstraction-Controller (PAC) - cooperating agents, each with their own PAC
- Separates human-computer interaction from functionality and communication with other agents
- Supports multiple, distinct UT
- Microkernel - for systems that must adapt to changing system requirements
- Separates minimal functional core from custom parts
- Flexible in what functionality is provided
- Common in OS
- Reflection pattern - change structure & behaviour dynamically
- Flexible in how functionality is executed/used
- Common in service integration
- Pipes & Filters pattern - each process is a filter component; combines into a way to process data streams
- Common in image processing
- Shared Repository pattern - maintains common data, which can be modified and propagated to specific components
- Deterministic control flow
- Common in telecommunication management networks
- Blackboard pattern - for problems with no deterministic solution strategies
- Based on heuristics
- Common in bio-informatics
- Domain Object pattern - self-contained entities with explicit interfaces, while hiding inner structure & implementation
- Allows changing specific requirements independent of other realizations